Saturday, February 8, 2014

Craft/Computer Desk Day 3

Today I didn't get as much time in my shop as I had originally planned, but that's ok because we decided to take our son Braden to see "The LEGO Movie" with some of our friends.  Really good movie if you do have an aspiring builder in your house. After we got home from a loooonnnnggggg lunch at Olive Garden Braden wanted to build LEGOs of course so I stayed upstairs and out of the shop for a few more hours to help him with his designs.  Always time well spent.
After he was sufficiently bored of playing with Dad, I had a couple of hours to sneak away to the shop and continue working on Leslie's Craft Desk.  

I cut the stretchers and cross braces for the short side of the L, drilled holes for more pocket screws, and screwed the frame together.  Below is the fully assembled base.

Since the frame was fully assembled, I pulled over the top pieces to see what the final desk would look like.  When I bought them I had them cut to just a little over size at the home center so it would be easier to get the assembly done.  I was planning to use my flush trim router bit and flush up the top to the frame, but now I'm wondering if the router bit will chip the laminate top.  Something to ponder tonight.

After getting the top on I realized that I need to cut several more pocket screw holes to hold down the top.    I don't want the top to move around while I'm flush trimming it to size, or to warp once it is in place.  Once the top is secured in place, I'm going to trim out the top with poplar edging to hide the particle board edge of the laminate.  After that it will be time for disassembly, a couple of coats of paint and dragging it upstairs for final assembly.

That being said, I really hope that it fits upstairs.  I could put seam on the short side and have a 7 foot piece instead of 8 foot if it does look to be close.  I think I'll take up my friend James' suggestion and experiment with a 2x4 tomorrow to see if I can get a feel on whether it will fit or not.  I only want to drag this thing upstairs once if I can help it.  If all goes well I should be able to get most of the assembly done in my next shop session after another trip to the home center for the poplar.  I forgot that last time I was there.   

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